Dear Survivor,
Perfectionism is a liar and a thief.
It makes big promises to us. It promises
belonging and
It ends up stealing
our joy
our satisfaction
our contentment
our connection with others
our integrity
our self-worth and
the present moment.
We strive. We push. We work harder. We redo and do over. We clean. We organize. We polish. We try to say it just right. We try to follow all the rules, check all the boxes. We feel trapped. We hate ourselves. We exhaust ourselves trying to get it just right. We continue our useless attempts to feel in control.
We are terrified.
“What if someone sees a flaw in me?”
“What if they find out I feel like an imposter?”
“What if people think I’m not a good spouse/parent/employee/boss/friend, etc., etc.?”
“No one will love me as I actually am – I need to do it better.”
“If people see my mistakes and imperfections, I will never belong.”
“If I can’t get it perfect, I’ll never be able to accept myself.”
I’m telling you: perfectionism is a thief and a liar.
Today let’s see it for what it is. In our past, perfectionism may have been a protective armor – helping us navigate harsh relationships and helping us feel less out of control. In our childhood it probably saved us at times. So, we can thank it for its role in our past.
But we are now adults. And it’s time to see perfectionism for what it really is. It’s time for something different.
Are you ready for self-acceptance?
Genuine relationship?
Then today, you get to say,
With all my flaws and imperfections, I am enough.
With all my bumps and bruises, I am OK as is.
With all my blemishes and stains, I am lovely.
With all my mistakes and blunders, I am doing a good thing.
Today, may we reach deep in our souls, see the truth, and say,
I am loved.
I am accepted.
I belong.
I am the real deal.
I like me.
I am enough.
As is.